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  2. Continuing Certification

My EMCert / My EMSCert Quick Start Guide

Follow this Quick Start Guide to get setup with ABEM quickly.

If you'd like to get a full copy of this guide, you can download it here

Module Preparation

View the MyEMCert or MyEMSCert study points. As an open-book assessment, study requirements should be minimal.


System Check

Device and Browser

  • Use a PC or laptop NOT a Chromebook, phone, tablet, or iPad.
  • Make sure your browser is on the most current version.
  • Chrome is recommended. Safari, Firefox, and Edge are also compatible.

Two-Factor Authentication

Set up two-factor authentication in your ABEM Portal to access modules.

  1. Click “Account” at the top right of your screen.
  2. Select Account Authentication.
  3. Choose two different authentication methods.
    1. The phone and email you enter will be stored for authentication and not used for ABEM communications.

If You Don’t Get the Code

If you do not receive your code within 30 seconds, try using your secondary authentication method.



  1. Sign in to your ABEM Portal and go to the Certification navigation in the top center of your screen
  2. Choose EM or EMS Certification from the dropdown menu
  3. Click on the green “Register for Module” button
  4. Follow the on-screen instruction prompts

Register for a Demo Module

Take a no-cost, no-risk, MyEMCert or MyEMSCert demo module. Learn how the modules work and view sample questions. You will not receive a score for the demo module, it is solely for practice.

Time Limit

You will have 4 hours total time to complete each module.

Save Your Progress

  • Always confirm your answers before pausing the module or before the 15-minutes time-out due to inactivity.
  • Unconfirmed answers will be marked incorrect and you will
    continue on the next question.


Honor Code

Before you can take your module, you will be prompted to agree to an honor code.

You Are Agreeing To:

  • Taking the module by yourself with no help from anyone else
  • Not sharing questions, rationales, or other test information


Starting A Module

Once you have registered for a module, you can take it at a time convenient to you. We encourage you to take the demo module first.

How to Start a Module

  1. In the portal, click on the “Start Module” button
  2. Click on the name of the module you want to start
  3. Click the button for “Start” or “Resume Module”

Note: You need to complete the active module before starting another module. This includes the demo module.

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